The New Jersey Marathon is almost here! You're going to fall apart!
You've trained so well -- almost 600 miles since you signed up for the marathon on December 31st!
You didn't do much speed work... Did you???
Four long runs of over 20 miles. Now that is dedication!
You've lost over 10 lbs and have rediscovered you abdominal muscles! You'll run a personal best for sure!
Accuweather.com is predicting cool weather with overcast skies -- perfect marathon weather!!!
It would have been a good idea to do a test run at marathon goal pace.
You've lost over 10 lbs and have rediscovered you abdominal muscles! You'll run a personal best for sure!
Abs, huh? Last I heard you needed legs to run a marathon and yours are wicked sore.
Just a few easy runs this week. You'll toe the line feeling fit, fresh and fast!
Weather.com is calling for heavy rain.
Accuweather.com is predicting cool weather with overcast skies -- perfect marathon weather!!!
"Man's most valuable trait is a judicious sense of what not to believe"