As planned, I didn't go all out for this one. Instead I set a moderate-fast pace early and hit the cruise control, picking off the miles at a consistent pace of 7:15 – 7:30 per.
Thanks to Sempre Libera for the shout-out on the East Side somewhere around Mile 10 or 11. That gave me the extra umph to pick up the pace and finish a few steps ahead of NYRR President & CEO, Mary Wittenberg... Sweet!
From a confidence boosting perspective I am pretty pleased with this race. It proved that I could run a decent pace (for me) over a long and somewhat hilly course. On the other hand I regret not going a just a little faster...
Since, I’ve realized that my fitness is not what it used to be as evidenced by a wicked-bad case of Delayed Onset Soreness. My quads and calves are particularly displeased with the effort.

“Sometimes it is harder to deprive oneself of a pain than of a pleasure.”
F. Scott Fitzgerald