Wednesday, August 08, 2007

She's Awesome

My wife has a remarkable knack for giving the most incredible birthday presents a crazy fool like me could ever want.

And she’s done it again!

Many of you will recall my jumping out of an airplane last year. If you’ve not seen the video of me plummeting to the earth, I must say, it is absolutely worth a viewing.

If you have seen it… well, have another look! Can you spot the moment where my bravado disappears and my face turns a ghostly pale? (hint: it’s about 2:10 into the video).

This year I’ll be flying through the air once again! Only this time a little nearer the ground and with a safety net too... I know what you're thinking but I’ve got a baby on the way to think about.

For my 30th birthday Salena gave me Flying Trapeze lessons! How freaking cool is that!?!?!?!

Also, I’ll need an appropriate Flying Trapeze moniker and am open to all suggestions…

"He'd fly through the air with the greatest of ease,
That daring young man on the flying trapeze."
-George Leybourne


E-Speed said...

wow that has got to be the most original gift ever!

Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Wear gloves. I saw Tony Bourdain do that on TV and his hands were worn completely raw and were bleeding.

I'll have to get back to you on a moniker, there are so many possibilities.

DebbieJRT said...

wow!! that looks so cool, although, you would never in a million years get ME up there :-)

Hope it was a great birthday, you young whippersnapper!

Deene said...

that is the coolest gift ever! on my birthday my husband has to consult with her so i don't get another cheezy gift.

JustRun said...

Wow. I had no idea there were even lessons for that. Wow.

Stephanie said...

Are you taking the lessons by battery park city!? I used to stop all the time and watch when running along the hudson. Pretty, pretty cool - don't forget to take some pictures!

E said...

That's a sweeet gift! You'll have to post a video of yourself flying throught the air with the greatest of ease.

Ginger Breadman said...

what a great idea! A lot of the kids around here opt for 'Circus School' instead of the traditional gymnastics. I'll bet that trapeze requires a lot more strength than the ease looks like.

miss petite america said...

i've heard about these lessons! sounds like TONS of fun!!! wonder how callused your hands get!

Rhea said...

Cool wife, and cool gift! This year is going to rock for you both. Congrats on the coming new addition to the fam.