When I set off on my marathon training in early July I also set off on a journey to raise money to honor the memory of my grandmother who passed away due to complications related to Alzheimer's Disease.
The first step in this journey was the most difficult for me. When I sat down to relive my memories of Grandma Connelly and commit them to paper I was rather surprised by the grief I felt, even two years after her passing.
Four months have passed and I’ve run more miles then I care to count, but, I have also enjoyed the support, kindness and generosity of family, friends, colleagues, bloggers and strangers alike - more so than I ever anticipated.
I am absolutely thrilled to report that I have not only achieved my goal of raising $100 for every mile of the marathon ($2,620.00), I have crushed it! To date, I have raised
I would like extend my genuine and heartfelt thanks to the following individuals for their tremendous support:
Alan Stiles
Alan Wagman
Alfred Payton
Anne Crawford
Cabe and Melissa Morphew
Craig Adams
Carolyn Whipple
Dan and Lori Durbin
David and Amanda Moncur
Erica Cornwall
Gary Connelly
Greg and Erin Stadnik
Harold and Mary Baldridge
Henry Watkins and Sharon Kossoff
James Sherman
Janine Leveque
Jared and LuAnn Mestre
Joe Brady
Jung Lee
Kaitlin Keaveney
Kate Sunbury
Lisa Richard
Mark MacLeod
Megan McConagha
Michael Laskoff
Mike Heffron
Neil Rhodes
Paul Mitchell
Rich and Pam Morphew
Richie Yap
Sandy Haberman
Sharon Sutton
Susan Newton
Suzanne Hughes
Thom and Judy Christopher
Wendy Davidson
William Beckler
William Hennesey
Yasmin Marinaro
Yvonne Damm
The New York City Marathon is just days away and now it is my turn to contribute. I shall give every bit of strength, will and heart I can possibly muster. Along with me will be your generosity and the memory of Grandma Connelly.
Thank you.
"For it is in giving that we receive."
-Saint Francis of Assisi