Late Night Baby Daddy gets its name from a series of quite literal circumstances. The details can be found here, but the gist of the story goes as follows:
The brew kit was an awesome Father's Day gift and I couldn't wait to get started. Well, the brew took several hours longer than I expected and it was 3am before all was said and done. Thus, the "late night" and because the fermentation ended around the same time as the birth of my daughter... the "baby daddy."
Late Night Baby Daddy is a partial-mash India Pale Ale and it's very tasty. Amber in color and light to medium in body, what this ale lacks in head is more than made up for in aroma and flavor. Hop Damn!
Perfect for entertaining or for quenching your thirst after a hard day... or an easy day...
Really, the only problem with this beer is that it's going too fast! You'd think 5 gallons would be sufficient.
You'd be wrong.

"He was a wise man who invented beer."