A few Christmas indulgences I'm enjoying this holiday season:
- Sleeping in, followed by lounging till noon
- Strong French press coffee with cream and sugar
- A steaming stack of pancakes swimming in a sea of syrup
- Mimosas
- Roughhousing with squealing children
- Second helpings at dinner
- Third helpings at dinner
- Apple pie for desert
- Second helpings at desert
- Thirds...
- Super secret family recipe "Spider Cookies"
- Copious amounts of red wine
- Egg Nog with spiced rum and nutmeg
- Watching "A Christmas Story" over and over and over again - interrupted occasionally by checking in on the Yule Log.
Happy Christmas!

"I have not been afraid of excess: excess on occasion is exhilarating. It prevents moderation from acquiring the deadening effect of a habit."
-W. Somerset Maugham