The other day I watched one of those doom-and-gloom shows on the
Discovery Channel about the various scenarios in which the world as we know it comes to a catastrophic end. Gigantic tsunamis from the
Canary Islands destroying the Eastern Seaboard of the United States…
Super Volcanoes in Yellowstone National Park…
Come on you know you’ve seen that show too.
The very next day a colleague turned to me and coincidentally stated, “We’re doomed.” When I pressed for an explanation she noted the recent inclusion of polar bears to the endangered species list and the fifty square kilometer
block of ice that broke off in North Canada and is now adrift in the Arctic Ocean.
I teased, feigned concern by stating that when the ice melts and raises the sea level I will be even more thankful for my new 6th floor apartment, and went about my business.
A few hours later a news story about
UFO’s at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport caught my attention and shortly thereafter I came across
this article about a meteorite concluding its intergalactic journey in a New Jersey bathroom.
While commuting home I noticed the headline of a newspaper claiming that the last time New York experienced a November and December free of snow was 1877. Then I made the poor choice of watching “War of the Worlds” on-demand.
Today the temperature has topped 70 degrees.
Perhaps we are doomed after all.
Update (1/8/2007): All this and now
noxious fumes... My Caesar quote is all to appropriate!
"I durst not laugh, for fear of opening my lips and receiving the bad air."
-Shakespeare, Julius Caesar